SWA - Activation of Islands in the west coast archipelago. av SM6VAO/Christer Apr 23 2009, 23:00 Kommentarer: 3 
On the 25th of April we will activate Islands for the SWA-award. The preannounced participants of this are as follows.

VAO & UQJ activates small islands in the south archipelago with boat. Planed start apx. GMT 9.00AM

IQD activates Öckerö, Källö etc. Planed start apx. GMT 6.00AM

MGZ activates Marstrand and islands in the vicinity. Planed start apx. GMT 7.00AM

DER activates the northern archipelago. Planed start apx. GMT 8-9.00AM

PVB will be active from Skaftölandet

FQ's will be mostly on 80m this time on 3.530-3.540 MhZ CW and 3.735-3.755MHz SSB
For further information please look at www.saltwateraward.se, or use the link to the left.